Saturday 21 May 2011

Butterflies and Moths (16): Blue Butterfly and Green-veined White

My long quest to see my first Swallowtail in the wild drew to a happy conclusion last September in the southern Peloponnese in Greece, but when it comes to personal 'favourites', blue butterflies are hard to beat. In my experience, they can be very fluttery and hard to photograph, but this one was most obliging, and paused to rest long enough at WWT Llanelli for me to take these photos.

It was not until I came home that I noticed the web and the eaten leaf on the left of the lower photograph.

So why do I particularly like blue butterflies? Well, blue is a favourite colour ... and 'Blue-Butterfly Day' by Robert Frost is a poem that particularly appeals.

The blue butterfly (query Holly or Small Blue) may not have chosen a blue flower, but this Green-veined White below looked particularly beautiful against Ox-eye daisy. 


  1. we don't get enough blue butterflies in Scotland! I can see why they're your favourites!
