Tuesday 19 October 2010

Herpetofauna (3): Frogs in the Peloponnese

A number of frogs like this one were enjoying the lily pads ...
They were actually pretty camouflaged in the dappled sunlight and shade, and we only realised they were there when presumably they heard us walking by and leaped off their 'sunbeds' into the water.

Guess who ruled the roost in this pond!
I am wondering if they were examples of the Epirus Water Frog (Pelophylax epeiroticus) - or at least the frog in the top photo. We were staying near Pylos, in the region of the beautiful lagoon at Yialova.

Land of the Lotus Eaters?


  1. Caroline,
    Just found your blog. Enjoyed the frogs! We gave 11 species of frogs and toads here on our pond, bet you would enjoy the concerts they give. Believe I'll add you to my sidebar so I can see future posts here.

  2. Those are absolutely beautiful! Seeing things like that gives me hope...

  3. oh what fun seeing the frogs in the flowers like that!

  4. LOL! Cool frogs! I love that one on the flower.
