Tuesday 31 August 2010

Orthoptera (1): Grasshopper

Due to my fractured arm, David took this 'arty' photograph for me of the Grasshopper on our windscreen yesterday at Laugharne. The reflected image (at least I think it is the reflection) picks out the creature's orange abdomen.

I am guessing that it may be a Striped-Winged Grasshopper (Stenobothrus lineatus), as the Common Green does not have red or orange on its abdomen. The creature soon hopped off.


  1. great capture... reflection and all. last week i caught a grasshopper in the garbage can where i save discarded, crushed pop cans (later I sell them for some cash). naturally i had to grab my camera and take his picture. he was a BIG guy too. i gently pulled the bag of cans out of the garbage with the grasshopper attached and was able to get a few of him before he finally and politely moved away. i'll post it sometime, maybe. hope all is well.

  2. Very nice reflection and a rather innovative way of getting a view of the underside.

  3. Sorry you fractured your arm! Hope it heals swiftly.

  4. Love the photos. Hope your arm gets better soon.

  5. very nice, very clever use of reflection! We saw a lot of grasshoppers at the weekend, but you know that because you commented on my blogpost!
