Monday 26 July 2010

Dragonflies (2): WWT Llanelli

A male Broad-Bodied Chaser
Libellula depressa

I shall return to my Scottish wildlife encounters soon,
but meanwhile here is a post about Wales.

It was a warm grey afternoon at WWT Llanelli.
The sun made a few welcome appearances,
and we saw a range of Lepidoptera,
including this Chaser.

Detail of intricate wing structure


The photographs above and below [detail and whole dragonfly]
are, I believe, male and female of the same species,
since they seemed to be a pair.
I think they may be Common Darters;
and if so, the top one is the female.

We also saw these ones:


The ‘threads’ here indicate a dragonfly recently emerged from the aquatic nymph phase.


Notice the wings in the shot above.

This Dragonfly was less green and more red.
It may be an immature male Common Darter [Sympetrum striolatum]

It's hard to tell whether there is a yellow stripe along the legs,
but the wing tips are marked with a rusty pterostigma [wing cell or spot].

The yellow stripe was visible in the photo below,
when I viewed it at 80%.

Click to enlarge!


My guess is that this is a male
Southern Hawker,
though it may well be a Common Hawker.
The colour is pale turquoise blue,
despite the fact that it looks a bit green here.

N.B. I have tried to give each Dragonfly a number e.g. [1],
regardless of species.
[4] and [5] may be the same creature...

My thanks to David Gill for taking these photographs for me:
my dominant arm is still sling-bound!

Meanwhile, you might enjoy these:

  • Guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies of Britain by Steve Brooks, illustrated by Richard Askew (Natural History Museum Publication)
  • Professor P. Brain's blog
  • Dragonfly Days [South Wales, UK] - with an excellent Dragonfly Anatomy diagram
  • The July-September 2010 edition of Waterlife [WWT] has excellent features on Dragonflies [p.30, p.41 and p.48]


  1. he's right handsome. have a great night.

  2. These dragonfly photos are amazing and so clear. We have installed a larger garden pond this year - though it is still relatively small - and I would love to have a visit from one of these magnificent insects. I live in hope! Do hope your arm is making a good recovery.
