Dragonflies (1): Nymph

Discarded Dragonfly Nymph Case
on the Boardwalk at Dinefwr

Monday 21 June 2010

Beautiful Birds (1): Fledgling

We watched this fledgling fly at Dinefwr.
The photograph was taken with a zoom lens, through the car window.
If anyone can identify the species, I would be very grateful.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Damselflies (1): Dinefwr Damsels

Large Red Damselfly | Pyrrhosoma nymphula at Dinefwr

Welcome to my blog of the 'Wild and Wonderful'.

I am hoping to post photographs of the wildlife I encounter.

I will try to date my photographs,
but if there is no date against a picture,
you may assume that the blog post was written
within a day or two of the sighting.

I am learning as I go along,
so please let me know if my identifications are wrong!